Thursday, March 7, 2013

SSY - Lessons Learned

Siddha Samadhi Yog (SSY)

I heard about SSY when I was in college way back in 1990. It was sort of SSY boom in Pune. In those days, my younger brother was not doing good in studies. On top of that, the kind of illiterate surroundings we used to live in by then, for any person it was quiet normal to get distracted and worst, inflict permanent damage by doing some nasty thing and end up miserably going off-track in life. Here came SSY. The buzz was, it helps people understand how to control ones life etc. Worried we were for my brother and his future, my folks as well as me asked him to go see if SSY is of any help. He obliged. We saw some change in him and we forgot about SSY.

Came 2010. My brother and I both have moved on in life. Settled in our respective spheres. Meanwhile, here and there I'm still hearing about SSY. Very recently (March 2010 to be more precise) my colleague and a friend wrote recommendation email for SSY and asked everybody on the list to give it a try as it helped him immensely. 2 different circumstances. Former in 1990 with all troubles of life in Pune and the later 2010 life with comforts of living in advanced country like Japan. I tried to extract the benefits of doing SSY from this friend of mine. But all I was told, it is something to experience and cannot be explained. Now I had no choice but to do it myself, if I want to know more. I made up my mind and decided to undergo this course my self.

This post is about SSY and my first hand experience about it. The way I understand it as it happens. Will be writing about it when it is still fresh on my mind.

Please note, this is all about my personal experience of SSY which I'm currently undertaking. It might and it will differ with some one else's experience. In fact, in totality, my own final opinion about SSY is not known to me as of today (24 Apr 2010). We will have to wait till 23rd May 2010 which is a month away from today.


Day 1 (17 Apr 2010):
On this day we are given free introduction and first session. My first impression, it is not big deal. History of SSY. Who created this course and how it got created, what were the reasons, circumstances and people involved. As I had made up my mind anyway to complete the course I decided to continue and paid 15,000JPY.

FYI - It is supposed to be run on basis of NPO. Still you are required to pay this amount as expenses of teacher. As a matter of fact, the place where this course is being conducted is also an office of the company which is run by same teacher.


Day 2 (18 Apr 2010):
This day we are told about the days, time of the course. Per request from couple of participants, one day got changed, however, it was okayed by all other participants including me and teacher made sure it is done that way. Though, I knew Vajrasan and sit in Vajrasan once in a while, first time I'm being told correct way of sitting in Vajrasan. This was major learning from today.

Below are few SSY concepts taught on this day.

Science of non being (nobody):
Okay... wait. Listen, this is not really something to get worried about. In Simple terms, it is about keeping low profile. Keep doing your work but do not ever think that it is you who are making things happen. You should consider yourself as nobody even if you are personality of many colors/skills. This is about humility. One person I know, who is famous for this in India, is non other than Amitabh Bachchan. It is about him in short. When you are living your life like this, it is called Samadhi state.

Samyukta State:
Samyukta state is something great saints like Tukaram, Dnyaneshwar. Teacher did not explain much about this on day 2 at least but it must be like being a saint. Which perhaps I would not wanting for myself.

Today we are asked 3 questions.
a] What did you learn from today's class?
b] What is an impact on you from today's class?
c] Write at least 200 words on topic "My Ideal World".

I think, above I have covered answers to "a" and "b". As for "c", here you go...

My Ideal World

I'm living a happy and peaceful life with my wife, daughter, parents and friends and colleagues. We all love and respect each other. Mutual Respect is the foundation of everything in our world.

I live in small town which is part of a cluster of 21 such towns. Our hilly province is made up of many such clusters. Name of our cluster is Samika. All towns has a number in cluster. For example our town is "Samika-7" or "Sami7" for short. There is very good road, air, pod train network in our province. Special roads exist for vehicles as well as bi-cycles. Very safe for driving/cycling/walking. In the middle of Samika is our mountain, Mt.Zoya. He stands tall but it is neither very high nor very small. Oops, but do not underestimate it. Only seasoned trekker can climb it from north side in the winters as snow makes north impossible to climb for mortals like me.

Our cluster society is very disciplined, eco-friendly and nature loving. As I said earlier, our lives are based on foundation of respect and love for every human beings. We respect and follow rules created by our elders.

My family finds time to go out for hiking, cycling or jogging/walking. When we go out we try to live as much as possible in close contact with nature. We love to touch trees, leaves, breath fresh air, watch flowers, whisper and sing with birds. When we are cycling, birds often are flying right over us. And it is a pure joy to watch them. I'm sure, birds are also enjoying the scene below them where 3 idiots are riding funny objects and trying to fly with them :-)

Something about our another eco facility, PoD Train! Have you ever boarded the rope way car? Well, Pod train is similar to that except the former is used to reach the top of mountains and later is used on plains or small slopes, instead of normal long trains. PoD is a train with only one compartment. Only 12 to 20 people can fit in it. As population in our cluster society is not huge, PoD is just perfect for us. It runs on solar energy. Pod is our life line and also a life line for our environment as it helps reducing CO2 emission.

Pods are used by us when we want to go to other far away clusters. We try to make maximum utilization of one pod when we go out. It is shared with neighbors or even with unknown fellow town member (this way you also get to know about each other). In every town there is a pod station. We make reservation for PoD and it comes automatically to our station exactly at specified time (Just in time you know :-) Destination station is also already fed so it starts when we press start button and we are off to our destination. Non-Stop.

Our Roads are also Green as trees are lined up on both sides plus safety fence. We use Eco-Cars running on batteries. Again... no CO2 emission.

We are a festival loving people. Our biggest festival is Zoya Din. Every 1st May we celebrate it with all everybody in our cluster. In the morning it starts with a mass prayer followed by various sports for children, adults and elders too. It inculcates strong team spirit amongst participants. Preparation for Zoya din takes place many weeks in advance. All (young, old) people happily take part in preparing sport grounds, cleaning roads etc. It is all done with a sense of togetherness.

Our food habits are healthy.This can be briefly described in 2 phrases "Eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper" and "You are What You Eat." In our country, administration is decentralized. Cluster offices are empowered to take decisions and enforcement for the well being of cluster society. However, what makes this enforcement successful is people participation. Entire focus is on well being of society. All options are weighed on this factor and then only translated into decisions. This becomes possible only due to proactive people participation in decision making process.

In this healthy, honest and lovely world, we are happily living in present enjoying every moment of it and doing our bit to spread positive thoughts of sharing and living for the well being of humanity and nature on mother earth.


Day 3 (24 Apr 2010):
From beginning of the class, I'm on time or before time, as I do it in my everyday life. Today's class, at least 3/4 of it, at least for me, was a waste. We spent time discussing below 6 rules of SSY class.

1] 100% attendance

[ This is to get complete benefits from class. Bunking a class or two lessons the amount of benefits also.]

2] Be present 10 minutes before time for all SSY class (*)

[ As all attendees are Indians, making such rule is understandable.]

3] Practicing whatever is taught in the class @home also

4] Will make use of what is learned in class for personal purpose only

[In other words, you should not start teaching SSY only after completing this beginners course. Undergo teachers training course, become eligible and then teach if you like. Since Pranayama is taught in SSY, it profound important not to play with others lives. Hence, learning properly to teach others is mandatory.]

5] No notes taking in the class

[Some participants had done this before explanation of these rules. You are supposed to listen and understand what teacher is saying.]

6] Attending class while u r still hungry stomach
[if you have done any kind of exercises ever, you would understand this as Pranayam is also type of exercises.]

To me this was either common sense or already known stuff. Hence, spending 2 hours and 20 minutes talking only about these 6 rules was a total waste. You have paid your own money to join this course. Why would you not be coming on time! But let us take a step back. Consider about other participants. They might not be like me. It might be necessary for them. So I decided again to go along. Wait till end. And then give verdict (though nobody is asking or waiting for it :-)

Today's questions for HOME PLAY are ...
a] What did you learn from today's class?
b] What is an impact on you from today's class?
c] Why do we create an illusion of trying?

Question "a" and "b" are common and would be there for remaing classes also. "a" and "b" are sufficiently answered above. As for question 3, humans, in general, tend to avoid responsibility or ownership. Hence, we keep creating illusion of trying. It is something, either you do it or don't do. As per SSY, there is no concept called TRYING.

Learned also about sectional pranayam today. It has 3 types...
a] Kanishtha Pranayam
b] Maddhyam Pranayam
c] Not taught today

Kanishtha Pranayam: In this you use lower part of lungs and is effective for body below your abdomen. Hence, name Kanishtha (lower).

Maddhyam Pranayam: In this you use middle part of lungs and is effective for middle part of body (from waist up to shoulders). Hence, name Maddhyam (middle).


Day 4 (25 Apr 2010):

Pranayam taught in today's class is...

(this is the 3rd one amongst sectional pranayam)

Dhauti, Sheetali and Sheet-Karee are the heat exhaler exercises (note they are not pranayam).

What I'm expecting and looking forward to learn from SSY is this. Unfortunately, this was taught for 30 minutes in a class of 180 minutes. Rest of the time was spent on discussion on various topics on responsibilities of humans in daily life amd how one should fulfil them (sorry, but it was waste of time for me). But still producing it here for record.

SSY has a concept called "Leader" and "Follower". Do not get misled with the meaning of these words in English. It has nothing to do with how SSY has defined them.


In SSY's lexicon, Leader is the one who does his job with utmost dedication and responsibility, enjoys while doing it, strives for perfection. Decision whether you are a Leader is left to you to make it. It is like being honest with self. You can cheat entire world but you cannot cheat yourself.


People in this type does not do their job with complete dedication. They will not go extra mile to study their profession. Work in silos and they are "it is not my job" type. Holds others responsible for their failure. Complete opposite of Leader type.

For example, Mr Ravi is chief engineer on a dam project and has 2 assistants. One assistant is Leader type and other is Follower. L type would consider dam project as her/his own. Will deliver on time and will be doing everything that is possible for making dam project a success. F type assistant would do what is told & nothing more. Will be doing it because someone has told to do it. Not from an understanding that it is his/her job.

Teacher gave more such examples and also asked us to explain it in What If scenarios. In Day 3 also it was discussed with example of 2 goods manufactures and a quality inspector.

In today's class, teacher asked all participants, "Do you think I'm (teacher himself) a leader or follower?". Some answered leader some answered follower. I raised my hand and answered, "we will let you know our answer after 12 days of this course". Of course, this was not expected by teacher so he ignored me.

Another point of discussion was food. No meat eating because it stays in your system for 72 hrs, net net taking that much time for digestion. Eat vegetables, fruits, sprouts cause it is easy to digest them. One more point is eat them raw. That way chewing it 32 times happens automatically as you cannot swallow them like other cooked food easily. This way even tooth brushing is not necessary. Imagine animals. Have you ever seen an animal with a tooth brush? They eat raw food :-)

Again, honestly speaking, if most of the class time is spent in discussing things like these, then SSY is not for me. I have learned all this in my life so far and practicing it daily. So I better spend my time on something worth while applicable to me.

Made up my mind, I'm not continuing with SSY beyond class 4. Sorry but I would not pass any verdict on the effectiveness of SSY in someone else's life. But in my life, SSY has came, perhaps, 20 years late. So nothing more beyond Day 4 on SSY. However, if anybody is unable to decide whether to do SSY or not, check your answers to below questions. If 3 or more answers are coming as "YES", then SSY is for you, please do join it. It would do miracle for you.

A] Are you diabetic patient?
B] Do you take dinner after 21:00?
C] Do you skip breakfast often?
D] You do exercise only once in a while?
E] You strictly follow office hours (e.g. 0900-1800)?
F] You drink coffee/tea daily for more than 5 times?
G] You hate eating raw vegetables?
H] You are often late to an appointment?
I] You do not wake up fresh in morning?
J] Are you waiting for ABC to happen so that you will be happy?
K] Do you think other person was responsible for your ABC failure?
L] Are you suffering from migraine?
M] Are you suffering from obesity?
N] Are you feeling lethargic very often?



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